Social Me

Looking into having your own fediverse instance? This is the right place. Using the service provided here, you’ll get your fediverse running on the ActivityPub protocol instance under 24 hours. There are currently at least 10 million users from all countries and cultural backgrounds, you can reach them all with the click of a button from your own instance and have an open and uncensored social interactions with anyone you.

You can customize your experience in the fediverse as it is a free place. You can decide who you want to see and interact with, and you can control every little detail. You are the boss of the whole thing. There are no algorithms, no spying, and no government control. You can invite other users and have an instance where you are the boss of and you are responsible for it.

What is needed to run a fediverse instance

The requirements are not many nor complicated. We will help you get them all. These are the basics:

1- A Linux server running Ubuntu 20.04 or Debian 11 (required)

2- A domain name. E.G. (required)

3-  An email service subscription to send password reset emails and notification (Optional)

4- A cloud base S3 storage for the media (Optional)

Where to get a server

You can purchase a server from any company that you trust. You might run it locally at your house if you wish. We recommend the following companies:

After purchasing the server, you may contact us to start working on the project. Completing the project takes no longer than 24 hours from the time we receive the server’s information and confirms the payment.

Paying for the service

The service costs the equivalent of $45.99 US dollars in the currencies shown below.

We provide the service in a way that protects your identity we also ask you to pay in a way that hides who you are. Therefore, we ask you to pay in the following cryptocurrencies:





Bitcoin Cash


Arab Dirham


Solana network

Unavailable for traiding for now



Ethereum network

Arab Dirham is our own cryptocurrency. When paying with Arab Dirham, you get a 30% discount.

After making the payment, send us the transaction number when ordering so we can validate it.

Frequently asked questions

The fediverse is a collection of independently hosted interconnected servers. The term is a portmanteau of the words federated and universe. In social networking, the fediverse refers to a collection of independent social applications linked by a common protocol.

The fediverse is compatible with the idea of Web 3.0 and a decentralized web.

Of course not. You can simply join an existing server such as Bassam and be a member of an existing instance, or you can host the platform yourself. Here you can be the only user and have the platform only for you to communicate with the world, or you can invite your friends and their friends and create a platform for everyone who wants to join.

In fact, we do not want the world to be centralized and controlled by one entity, one company, or one government. We cannot change the governments of the world but we can change the mindset of people who want to change. This service allows you to be free from social networks that aim to exploit you and play psychological and mental games on you in every possible way. The existence of free platforms that are not controlled by anyone is the best thing currently available to free people from the brainwashing that occurs in various networks.

This is the most important question and unfortunately the answer is not what you’re looking for. In fact, you cannot trust us and there is nothing we can offer you that can prove that we are to be trusted. I can promise you that we will not do anything malicious to the server, we will not install backdoors, and we will show you how to delete our access credentials yourself when the work is done. At the end of the work, we can provide you with a list of the operations we performed on the server from the beginning until the delivery.

Ready to go?

After purchasing a domain and a server, and transferring the payment, we need few extra information from you. Click on the Telegram button below to start the process through the support system via Telegram, or fill out the email form to start the process through via email:

* Not sure of something? Click the Telegram button and ask us about anything you’re not sure about regarding the service we provide *

      What happens when the service is done?

      When we’re done setting up the instance, we’ll send you instructions about entering your instance, and how to remove our access credentials from you your server. 

      There is nothing else to do, just enter your instance and start using it without any fear of being blocked ot limited by any social company out there.

      There is an update for the instance. What do I do?

      This is an important matter. You should keep the instance up to date at any given time. This doesn’t only provide you with the latest features, it also protect you from security vulnerabilities. Up to three months after delivering the instance, we’ll be responsible to perform any update or upgrade free of charge. After three months have passed, you can request paid support for the equivalent of $15 US to have support for an extra three weeks.

      SocialMe is a service provided for a very low price to help people entering the fediverse without breaking the bank or making any long term expensive contract.

      The service is provided for such price because it’s used to keep the site online so we keep helping other people.